Surprising Social Media Statistics from 2012


With Facebook recently announcing their new Graph Search function, social media continues growing into an astronomical advertising titan. Getting messages injected into an audience now only takes a click of a button. But the button you click determines which audience hears your message. After all, Facebook attracts a separate audience than Twitter or Instagram.

Rather than leave you wondering which platform works best for your social media marketing needs, we compiled a list of statistics from last year’s social media activity. Glance through the facts, look for key information relevant to your advertising strategy, and then make an educated decision.


  • A photo of Barack Obama currently holds the record for most likes, the current total sitting at 4,445,255. (Source: Facebook)
  • 25% of Facebook users don’t use any privacy control. (Source: PR Daily)
  • The average Facebook user has 130 friends. (Source: PR Daily)
  • Links containing adult keywords are shared 90% more than any other link. (Source: PR Daily)
  • Over 488 million people regularly use Facebook mobile. (Source: All Facebook)
  • Approximately 23% of Facebook users check their account 5 or more times per day. (Source: Socialnomics)
  • One in every five page views online occurs on Facebook. (Source: All Facebook)
  • Over 300 million photos are uploaded to the site each day. (Source: Jeff Bullas)
  • Around 77% of business-to-consumer companies and 43% of business-to-business companies claim to have acquired customers from Facebook. (Source: Business2Community)
  • More than 80% of users prefer to connect with brands through Facebook. (Source: Business2Community)
  • An average Facebook user has 130 friends and likes 80 pages. (Source: Digital Buzz Blog)


  • There are more than 465 million Twitter accounts. (Source: Jeff Bullas)
  • The average Twitter user has tweeted 307 times. (Source: Diego Basch)
  • Approximately 175 million tweets were sent every day in 2012. (Source: Jeff Bullas)
  • Around 750 tweets per second are shared on Twitter. (Source: PR Daily)
  • 1 million accounts are added to Twitter every day. (Source: Jeff Bullas)
  • Barack Obama’s presidential election victory tweet holds the record for most retweeted tweet ever with over 800K retweets. (Source: Guardian)
  • The average Twitter account follows or is followed by 51 people. (Source: Diego Basch)
  • 32% of all Internet users are on Twitter. (Source: Marketing Land)
  • 69% of follows on Twitter are suggested by friends. (Source: Web Analytics World)
  • Approximately 50% of Twitter users use mobile devices to tweet. (Source: Tag.Microsoft)
  • 34% of marketers claim to have generated leads using Twitter. (Source: Digital Buzz Blog)


  • There are 8,500 likes per second. (Source: Instagram)
  • More than 40 million photos are uploaded to Instagram every day. (Source: Instagram)
  • Around 25% of Instagram users upload more than three pictures. (Source: PR Daily)
  • Approximately 23% of all Internet users have an Instagram account. (Source: Marketing Land)
  • Instagram currently has 90 million monthly active users. (Source: Instagram)
  • In August of 2012, Instagram had an average of 7.3 million daily active users. (Source: All Things D)
  • There are approximately 1,000 comments made per second. (Source: Instagram)
  • In 2012 alone, Instagram users liked 78 million photos. (Source: Digital Buzz Blog)


  • Approximately 97% of the fans of Pinterest’s Facebook page are women. (Source: Media Bistro)
  • The average user spends 16 minutes on Pinterest per visit. (Source: Media Bistro)
  • About 80% of Pinterest users are women, and approximately 50% of all Pinterest users have children. (Source: Search Engine Journal)
  • Over 80% of pins are repins. (Source: Media Bistro)
  • The most popular age group on Pinterest is 25 to 34 year olds. (Source: Media Bistro)
  • Pinterest pins with prices receive 36% more likes than those without prices. (Source: Shopify)
  • Around 69% of Pinterest’s visitors found either an item they purchase or wanted to purchase, compared with 40% of Facebook users. (Source: All Facebook)
  • When surveyed, 43% of people prefer Pinterest to interact with retailers or brands. (Source: All Facebook)
  • 57% of Pinterest users interact with food-related content, the #1 category of content. (Source: Blog.Compete)


  • The #1 occupation of Google+ users is “Student.” (Source: PR Daily)
  • More than 2/3 of Google+ users are male. (Source: PR Daily)
  • The Google +1 button is used more than five billion times per day. (Source: PR Daily)
  • Google+ is adding 625,000 new users every day. (Source: PR Daily)
  • More than 42% of Google+ users are single. (Source: PR Daily)
  • Only 8% of Americans over the age of 12 have a Google+ profile page. (Source: Edison Research)
  • At least 60% of Google+ users log into their account daily. (Source: Tecmark)
  • Sites with a +1 button generate 3.5x more Google+ visits than sites without the button. (Source: Hubspot)

As you can see, the importance of social media in today’s business climate cannot be emphasized enough. Plus, it’s easy to get started. Simply log into any social media platform, create an account, and join the online conversation.

If you have any questions, or need our help starting a social media marketing campaign, feel free to contact us.

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